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Turn offFind My Apple Device

English : Español : Français

Turn off Find My iPhone or iPad in Settings

If your iPhone or iPad is unusable or you don’t have it with you, you must turn this feature off at

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings.
  2. In Settings, tap your name.
  3. (For iOS 12 or older only) Tap the iCloud icon.
  4. Tap the Find My icon.
  5. Look for Find My iPhone or Find My iPad:
    1. If it says Off, you're all done.
    2. If it says On, tap the toggle switch
  6. Enter your Apple ID password and tap Turn Off
  7. Is “Security Delay in Progress”? You may experience an Apple security delay before you are able to turn off Find My. Don't stress, though – you can still use your phone during this pause.
    1. The delay will last about an hour. When it ends start at step 1 again.
    2. Just a reminder: When the delay is over, there is a short window to turn off Find My. Be sure to quickly complete the steps.
    3. You can also turn off Find My by removing it at Your phone has to be turned off for “Remove” option to appear.

Turn off Find My Watch in Settings from your iPhone

If your Watch is unusable or you don’t have it with you, you must turn this feature off at

Instructions from your paired iPhone:

  1. Keep your Apple Watch and iPhone close together.
  2. Open the Apple Watch app, and tap My Watch.
  3. Tap your watch name, then tap All Watches link at the top.
  4. Tap the info icon, located by your watch name.
  5. Tap Unpair Apple Watch. For cellular models of Apple Watch, tap Remove {Carrier} Plan.
  6. Turn off Find My Watch by tapping the toggle switch.
  7. Enter your Apple ID password and tap again to confirm. If prompted, follow the on-screen instructions for Two-Factor Authentication.

Learn more

Why do I need to turn off Find My iPhone?
What’s Find My iPhone?
Why have I been placed on a security delay?